Oregon Fire Recruitment Network
Providing resources to recruiters across Oregon to help recruit and retain volunteer firefighters.
Volunteer Firefighter Recruiters
Resource Page
Use the links below to find specific details on training resources to get started in your fire service career. Some of the links will take you to an embedded page with the live site. Many of these organizations update their own content or curriculum on an annual or semi-annual basis so check back often for new courses and updates.
Click here to access the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training. Included are links to the upcoming training calendar, fire certifications, fire taskbooks and forms. The DPSST strives to provide resources and certification programs that public safety officers and local public safety organizations need to maintain the highest professional skill standards, stewardship and service to Oregon's communities and citizens. Click below for the Fire Service Taskbooks.
The National Wildfire Coordinating Group is an operational group designed to coordinate programs of the participating wildfire management agencies. This link will take you to their online training courses so you can complete the basic online requiremetns to obtain your Oregon Wildland Certifications
The Federal Emergency Management Agency's Emergency Management Institute offers basic and advances incident and command training. Use this link to access your IS.100, IS200 ... courses. EMI is the emergency management community’s flagship training institution, and provides training to Federal, State, local, tribal, volunteer, public, and private sector officials to strengthen emergency management core competencies for professional, career-long training.
National Fire Academy
The National Fire Academy (NFA) works to enhance the ability of fire and emergency services and allied professionals to deal more effectively with fire and related emergencies. Free training courses and programs are delivered at our campus in Emmitsburg, Maryland, online and throughout the nation.The National Fire Academy (NFA) offers American fire and emergency services personnel a free, flexible, and convenient way to receive career-enhancing training. Through NFA Online, students can complete self-pace courses 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or college credit are available for most courses.
Fire Engineering
For over 133 years, Fire Engineering magazine has provided training, education, and management information for fire and emergency services personnel worldwide. Articles are written by experts in the fire service and focus on lessons-learned. Feature articles cover real-life situations such as collapse void search, confined space rescue, high-angle rescue, and extrication. Regular magazine departments focus on education and management issues. The online version of Fire Engineering provides daily international business and industry-related news, current issue articles, and access to years of searchable editorial archives.
Higher Education
​There are many higher education institutions in Oregon to help you reach your fire science, EMS and administrative educational goals. Below are links to specific categories to make your search easier.
The Oregon Volunteer Firefighters Association represents emergency medical technicians, (EMT) and firefighters across Oregon. Our membership is comprised of both volunteer and combination (paid firefighters working with volunteer responders) fire agencies. Some of these are special fire districts while others are city fire departments. Almost without exception they are training to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) level of FF I. We offer to our membership a number of benefits including the Relief Fund, educational grants, training & equipment grants, our annual firefighters conference and recruitment & retention information.