Oregon Fire Recruitment Network
Providing resources to recruiters across Oregon to help recruit and retain volunteer firefighters.
Volunteer Firefighter Recruiters
Oregon Fire Department Contacts M-Z
Here you will find a comprehensive list of Oregon Fire Departments and their contact information when applicable.

Malin Rural Fire Protection District
The Malin Rural Fire Protection District is located at
2307 3rd Street and Hwy 50 in Malin. For more information, call: (541) 723-5470
Mapleton Fire Department
The Mapleton Fire Department is located at
10940 Highway 36 in Mapleton. For more information, call: (541) 268-4721
Marion County Fire District #1
Marion County Fire District #1 has a rich history. Like most fire departments, it started on the backs of dedicated citizens that found a need to protect their families, friends and businesses from fire. It all began as a single volunteer station (Four Corners Fire Department) in 1939. That volunteer station merged with the Brooks Rural Fire District in 1968, creating Marion County Fire District #1 Since that time it has grown to include stations at Four Corners, Middle Grove, Pratum, Macleay, Brooks, Clear Lake, Labish Center, and the Chemeketa Fire Station. For more information, visit: Marion County Fire

Maupin Volunteer Fire Department
The Maupin Volunteer Fire Department in located at 408 Deschuttes Ave in Maupin. For more information, call: (541) 395-2400
McKenzie Fire & Rescue
The McKenzie Fire & Rescue Fire District protects 45 miles of Oregon's McKenzie River between Springfield and Blue River. The district is rural with a population of approximately 9,000 citizens growing to 10,000 -12,000 during the summer months. The main road through the district is Oregon State Highway 126 (McKenzie Highway) which is a key artery between the Willamette Valley and Eastern/Central Oregon. McKenzie Fire & Rescue has many volunteers who provide a variety services. All members receive specialized training and carry specialized equipment to mitigate emergencies. During the summer months the firefighters may respond to wild fires and brush fires, both in the district and as members of a countywide strike team that helps protect the entire state. For more information, visit: McKenzie Fire & Rescue

McMinnville Fire Department
The Fire Department delivers fire suppression, fire prevention, fire inspections and emergency medical services to more than 55,000 people in the 450 square-mile urban McMinnville and Rural District and promotes safety through fire prevention education. The Fire Department's 90 members are comprised of both career and part-time employees and volunteers from throughout the community. For more information, visit: McMinnville Fire Department
Medford Fire & Rescue
Medford Fire-Rescue proudly serves the 90,000 citizens who live within the City of Medford and the Medford Rural Fire Protection District 2. Medford Fire-Rescue consists of five fire stations and a team of 83 dedicated personnel. The Firefighters, Paramedics, EMT’s, Inspectors, Administration and Support Staff of Medford Fire-Rescue provide professional, full-time fire-fighting, paramedic emergency medical response, hazardous materials response, heavy rescue, and life safety services. In addition, our specialists and resources regularly provide services through mutual aid agreements to neighboring communities. For more information, visit: Medford Fire & Rescue
Medical Springs RFPD
Medical Springs Rural Fire Protection District is located at 50378 Highway 203 in Baker City. For more information, call: (541) 853-1245
Merrill Fire Department
Merrill Fire Department is located at 216 Main St. in Merrill. For more information, call: (541) 798-5508
Mid-Columbia Fire & Rescue
Mid-Columbia Fire and Rescue should be recognized as a model of excellence in fire protection, emergency medical and other community services. We must strive to be recognized as the service our customers value the most: Where safety from fire, medical and other hazardous conditions is progressively attained through preventive measures, and when emergencies do occur, we are quick to respond and service is outstanding. Where every home and business is protected with effective fire and life safety technology and maintained in a fashion that will ensure early detection and notification if a fire should occur. Where business, community and government work together to do their part with us in developing an ongoing emergency preparedness partnership. For more information, visit: Mid-Columbia Fire & Rescue

Mill City RFPD
Fire protection services are provided by the Mill City Rural Fire Protection Services. The Mill City Fire District offices are located in the main fire station at 400 1st Avenue in Mill City. For more information, visit: Mill City RFPD
Millington Fire District 5
The Millington Fire District was established in 1957. They were the first to have the slime green trucks and are the fourth busiest department in Coos County. Millington has a 14 square mile response area and covers a total of 42 square miles with auto aid. For more information, visit: Millington Fire District

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Milo Volunteer Fire Department
The Milo Volunteer Fire Department is located at 21484 Tiller Trail Highway in Days Creek. For more information, call: (541) 825-3661
Milton-Freewater Fire Department
The Milton-Freewater Fire Department consists of 23 volunteers and operates from two fire stations that house a total of five pieces of firefighting apparatus. The Fire Department has maintained an Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating of Class 4 since May 1, 1989.
Mission Statement: The Milton-Freewater Fire Department is dedicated to the safety of those living in and visiting our community, and to the protection of the environment from all disasters, natural and man made, through education, prevention, and fire suppression, all within the scope and limitations of the budgetary resources provided. We take great pride in the excellence with which we provide these services. For more information, visit: Milton-Freewater Fire
Milton-Freewater RFPD
Milton-Freewater is located in the foothills of the Blue Mountains in the Walla Walla Valley (just 8 miles south of Walla Walla, Washington). The name Milton-Freewater was created when the two seperate communites of Milton and Freewater merged to become one city in 1950. Milton-Freewater offers a rural lifestyle with a wide variety of outdoor recreational opportunities. Given the close proximity of the Blue Mountains, and both the Columbia and Snake Rivers hiking, skiing, snowmobiling, waterskiing, rock climbing and other sports are popular draws. Located in the acclaimed Walla Walla Valley Wine Appellation Milton-Freewater offers near perfect climate for world-class red wine prodution. Walla Walla and Milton-Freewater have both seen explosive growth in the local wine industry with no indication it will slow anytime soon. For more information, visit: Milton-Freewater RFPD
Mist Birkenfeld Rural Fire Department
Mist-Birkenfeld RFPD is the very most Northwest fire district in Columbia County, Oregon. It encompasses 135 square miles and supports a local population of approximately 1,388 people. The district is also responsible to provide emergency medical assistance and Ambulance transport. Mist-Birkenfeld RFPD's mission is to prevent or minimize the loss of life and property by providing fire suppression, rescue and emergency medical services, to mitigate the consequences of natural or man made disasters, to educate its patrons in fire safety and first aid, and to provide other public support services using all available resources to accomplish these goals. For more information, visit: Mist Birkenfeld Fire
Mitchell Volunteer Fire Department
The Mitchell Volunteer Fire Department is located at 101 High St/ in Mitchell. For more information, call: (541) 462-3111.
Mohawk Valley Fire District
The Mohawk Valley Fire District covers an area of 26.5 square miles, containing over 3,500 residents and $174,000,000 in property and structures. The district maintains 5 stations with 13 pieces of apparatus. Staff consists of 3 paid members supplemented by volunteers, residents and interns. For more information, visit: Mohawk Valley Fire
Molalla Fire District #73
To Provide Fire and Life Safety Services to the Community We Protect. The District will strive to accomplish its mission through the delivery of high quality prevention, suppression, and emergency medical services. Those services shall be provided in a timely manner with qualified personnel who are well trained, adequately equipped, and highly motivated. For more information, visit: Molalla Fire

Monitor Fire District #58
The Monitor Rural Fire Protection District #58 (MRFPD)
will strive to deliver high quality prevention, suppression, and emergency medical services. Those services shall be provided in a timely manner with qualified personnel who are well trained, adequately equipped, and highly motivated. MRFPD provides those services to residents located within its 34-square-mile boundary. For more information, visit: Monitor Fire
Monroe Rural Fire Protection District
The Monroe Rural Fire Protection District is committed to protecting the people, property, and environment within our community. We dedicate our efforts to provide for the safety and welfare of the public by providing the highest quality services through education, prevention, training, prompt response and effective customer service. Recruitment of new volunteers generally begins around June or July, but any members of the public interested in joining the fire department can fill out an application and turn it in to the Chief at the main fire station anytime. We also have a Junior Firefighter program for teenagers 16 and up that are interested in learning about firefighting and emergency medicine. For more information, visit: Monroe Fire
Moro Fire Department
The City of Moro is located in the high rolling plateau area of Sherman County, twenty miles south of the Columbia River and at an elevation of 1,870 feet. It is one of the larger small cities along U.S. Highway 97. Moro sits as the County Seat since the separation of Sherman from Wasco County in 1889. City of Moro is primarily a residential community with a current population estimate of 325. The Dalles is 42 miles distant and the nearest metropolitan areas are Portland to the west, Redmond/Bend area to the south and Pendleton to the east.
Because of the City's natural setting between the Deschutes and John Day Rivers and the rural atmosphere, people from more urban areas are now being attracted to Moro for retirement and recreational home sites. With its store, restaurant, motel facilities, and agricultural-related business Moro is able to function as an agricultural service center, supplying residents and tourists with goods and services. For more information, visit: Moro Fire Department
Mosier Fire
Mosier Fire Department protects 22 square miles, and 7 miles of Interstate 84 in the Northwest corner of Wasco county. We have one paid Chief and 24 volunteer firefighters serving approximately 1500 permanent residents. In addition to fire suppression and prevention, we provide basic rescue and first aid in conjunction with Hood River Fire Department for ambulance service. We have three stations (City Station, Upper Rural Station and Lower Rural) and 14 fire trucks. Volunteers meet Mondays at 7pm at the City Station, 208 Washington Street. New volunteers and drop-in visitors welcome. For more information, visit: Mosier Fire
Mt. Angel Fire District
The Mission of the Mt. Angel Fire District is to protect lives, property, and the environment through emergency safety services. This is accomplished through fire prevention and suppression, public education, hazardous materials incident mitigation, emergency medical services, and disaster management. These services are provided to the highest possible level within the resources allocated by its governing body. For more information, visit: Mt. Angel Fire

Mt. Vernon RFPD
The Mt. Vernon Rural Fire Protection District is located at 199 W. Main St. in Mt. Vernon. For more information, call: (541) 932-4688
Multnomah County Fire District #14
Multnomah County Fire District 14 encompasses 40 square miles of eastern Multnomah County, Oregon. The district stretches east from the Sandy River to Multnomah Falls and south from the Columbia River to Clackamas County. This service area includes parts of the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area, numerous parks and recreation areas, forested lands, Interstate 84 and the unincorporated communities of Corbett, Springdale, Aims, Latourell, Bridal Veil and Coopey Falls. Fire District 14 has been providing fire, rescue and emergency services since 1949. The district responds from three volunteer fire stations located in Corbett, Springdale and Aims. District 14 volunteers responded to 433 calls for assistance in 2013. For more information, visit: Fire District #14
Myrtle Creek Fire Department
The MCVFD is a volunteer department with 40 firefighters. The Department has seven officer positions that take care of the administrative duties. The Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, Medical Officer, Training Officer, Battalion Chief, 1st and 2nd Lieutenant. MCVFD operates out of the fire station located at 601 Riverside Drive. By the end of 2012 MCVFD logged 320 responses to calls. These numbers represent many types of calls and daily activities. They include EMS, fires, false alarms, good will calls, service calls, public education, company fire surveys and training. Besides those activities you can always see the MCVFD participates in a number of community events that return over $35,000 to the community each year. The MCVFD is committed to provide dependable service in a professional manner while showing compassion for those in need. We will protect lives, property, and the environment through fire suppression, emergency services, hazardous materials mitigation, fire prevention, and public education. For more information, visit: Myrtle Creek Fire
Myrtle Point Fire Department
The Myrtle Point Fire Department is dedicated to protecting residents, businesses and visitors in the City of Myrtle Point and the Myrtle Point Rural Fire Protection District. For more information, visit: Myrtle Point Fire Department
Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue
Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue District strives for excellence in training and service delivery. We understand that when you call 911, you often times are inviting us into your most sacred place, your home, to help you or a family member. We take that very seriously and train our personnel to be professional and competent to handle your incident. Of course none of this could be accomplished without the citizens of our District supporting us through tax dollars and for some, time given. We work hard at providing you excellent emergency services by the most economical means, while making sure our volunteers have the best equipment possible to do their jobs efficiently and safely. For more information, visit: Nehalem Fire
Nestucca Rural Fire Protection District
The Nestucca Rural Fire Protection District provides fire suppression, emergency medical service and public education to approximately 5,000 full time residents and untold thousands of visitors to the Oregon Coast each year. We respond to an average of 600 calls for service each year from six stations located in Pacific City (Station 82), Beaver Station 83), Neskowin (Station 84), Sandlake (Station 85), Blaine (Station 86) and Hebo (Station 87). Although our district boundaries cover approximately 125 square miles, we respond to incidents in unprotected areas covering over 200 square miles including Oregon Department of Forestry land and the US Forest lands. For more information, visit: Nestucca Fire
Netarts-Oceanside RFPD
To provide professional and cost-effective emergency services for the benefit of residents and visitors by utilizing a base of well trained and dedicated volunteers. For more information, visit: Netarts-Oceanside RFPD
New Pine Creek RFPD
The New Pine Creek Rural Fire Protection District is located at State Lion Highway 395 North. For more information, call: (541) 946-4104
Newberg Fire Department
Newberg Fire Department (NFD) provides structural and wildland fire protection to the City of Newberg and the surrounding Newberg Rural Fire District which consists of 65 square miles. Additionally, NFD honors an automatic aid agreement with Dundee Fire and mutual aid agreements with Yamhill and Washington Counties as well as St Paul Fire District. NFD has 70 fire personnel (28 paid and 42 volunteer) and a response fleet of 5 engines, 1 ladder truck, 2 brush rigs, 2 water tenders, 2 rescue units, 4 medic units, 1 water rescue with boat and 5 command vehicles. NFD staffs 2 engines with a combination of paid and volunteer firefighters providing fire and EMS services 24 hours a day. For more information, visit: Newberg Fire
Newport Fire Department
We proudly protect 15,000 people living in 25.8 square miles. Primarily a residential area, we operate out of two stations.
Our department is a combination fire department with both career and volunteer firefighters. For more information, visit Newport Fire
North Bay Rural Fire Protection District
North Bay Fire District was formed in 1970 and protects 29.5 square miles of
suburban, rural and industrial jurisdictions. The district is a combination department operating 2 fire stations with a full-time Fire Chief and 30 volunteer members, including 6 resident firefighters. The current ISO Classification is ISO Class 4. For more information, visit: NBRFPD
North Bend Fire & Rescue
North Bend Fire & Rescue handles over 1,600 calls for service a year. The types of calls are fire suppression, EMS medical, wildland, dive-rescue, water rescue, marine firefighting, and ARFF airport rescue firefighting. We stand-by every commercial scheduled flight 24-7 with two different airlines servicing our community. Our department has an outstanding Class 3 ISO insurance rating. For more information, visit: North Bend Fire
North Douglas Co. Fire & Rescue
North Douglas County Fire & EMS proudly provides fire prevention, fire suppression, and rescue operations for visitors to, and residents of, Curtin, Drain, Rice Hill and Yoncalla as well as the surrounding rural areas. The District also provides emergency medical response and transport ambulance service for this area and the communities of Elkton and Kellogg and their surrounding rural areas. The District operates from six stations located throughout the district with the main office located at 531 S. Cedar st. in Drain. The District is staffed by volunteers, trained and equipped to serve their neighbors and augmented by career staff in vital roles to provide a stable, reliable and safe environment for emergency response. Mission fulfillment starts with training. For more information, visit: North Douglas Co. Fire

North Lincoln Fire & Rescue
North Lincoln Fire & Rescue District #1 is committed to providing quality emergency services through the efforts of its dedicated personnel.For more information, visit: North Lincoln Fire

North Powder RFPD
North Powder Rural Fire Protection District is located at 340 East St. in Powder. For more information, call: (541) 898-2520

Nyssa Fire Department
The Nyssa Community is served and protected by twenty-one dedicated volunteer firemen, who annually donate thousands of hours and often place themselves in danger to protect their fellow citizens and their property. Not one member of the department is a paid professional, yet the department is known throughout the western Treasure Valley as one of the best departments in the region. Nyssa Fire Chief Randy Fales, Assistant Fire Chief Eric Menchaca and their loyal crews take great pride in their level of training, skills, and high level of commitment to the community of Nyssa. For more information, visit: Nyssa Fire Department

Oakland Rural Fire District
The Oakland Rural Fire District is a all Volunteer department located at 238 Locust St. in Oakland. For more information, visit: Oakland Rural Fire District

Oakridge Fire & EMS
EMS personnel includes paramedics capable of providing advanced life support on a 24/7 basis coverage. They are augmented by 52 volunteer staff members including EMT (emergency medical technicians) intermediates and basics, first responders and fire fighters. Services include transport to medical centers, rescue and vehicle extrication for motor vehicle accidents, air ambulance transport provided from Eugene, and water rescue team, County provided search and rescue and public assist with lifting home patients. Transport is provided to emergency departments at Scared Heart Hospital River Bend, McKenzie Willamette and Sacred Heart University. Transport time is approximately 45 minutes. Ambulances are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment including 12 lead heart monitors with transmittal capability to emergency department cardiac physicians. For more information, visit: Oakridge Fire

Odell Fire Department
The Wy'East Fire District will help preserve and enhance the quality of life by protecting life and property in and around the fire district by providing: Fire suppression, fire prevention, emergency medical services, public awareness programs and other related services. These efforts are accomplished through the dedication of the firefighters and the families that support them. For more information, visit Odell Fire

Olney Walluski Fire Department
The Olney Walluski Fire Department is located in Astoria. For more information, call: (503) 325-5440

Ontario Fire Department
The Ontario Fire Department provides emergency response to medical, fire, hazardous material, and specialized rescue response twenty four hours a day seven days a week, for our citizens within our immediate response area. We also provide the same services, per mutual aid agreement, to several outlying cities and fire districts. Fire prevention becomes a key goal within our community; from the fire safety talks, to fire inspections within businesses, and residential installation of smoke detectors. Ontario Fire & Rescue protects over 18,000 people living in the Treasure Valley, with over 100 square miles of coverage. The department consists of 9 paid professionals on staff, 29 volunteer professionals and one full-time Admin Assistant, for a total of 40 personnel. The department has 12 emergency vehicles including a 110' aerial and a haz-mat unit. For more information, visit: Ontario Fire

Ophir Rural Fire Protection District
The Ophir Rural Fire Protection District is located at 32888 Nesika RD in Gold Beach. For more information, call: (541) 247-2452

Parkdale Fire Department
The Parkdale Fire Department is located at 4895 Basline DR. For more information, call: 541-352-6092

Payette Fire Department
The Payette Fire Department is now accepting applications for Volunteer Firefighters. If you are 19 years or older and wish to help your community by becoming a volunteer firefighter stop by the fire station Mon - Fri and pick up an application. For more information, visit: Payette Fire

Pendleton Fire & Ambulance
Pendleton Fire and Ambulance Department is a combination department currently served by 18 career line personnel, one chief officer, Fire Marshal, office administrator and 15 reserve staff. PFD provides fire protection to the city of Pendleton as well as the Riverside RFPD, Lower McKay Creek RFPD, McKay Dam RFPD, Rieth Water District and several individual properties through contract agreements. PFD provides ALS ambulance service for the southeast portion of Umatilla county encompassing approximately 2000 square miles and including the communities of Pendleton, Rieth, Pilot Rock, and Ukiah. For more information, visit: Pendleton Fire & Ambulance

Philomath Fire & Rescue
The City of Philomath and surrounding areas receive prompt and efficient emergency fire and medical services from three fire stations strategically located within the service area of Philomath Fire and Rescue. Our fire district is comprised of approximately 68 square miles and serves a population of over 9,000 residents. For more information, visit: Philomath Fire

Pilot Rock Fire Department
The Pilot Rock Rural Fire Protection District 7-401 provides fire suppression, emergency medical services, fire prevention, and rescue to the City of Pilot Rock and surrounding area of over 3000 citizens. The District provides emergency medical services to approx. 600 square miles and fire protection to 348 square miles in two counties. The District is governed by a 5 member-elected board of directors. The District staffing consists of a Fire Chief, Deputy Chief/Training Officer, Two Division Chiefs, Two Captains, Two Lieutenants, and 15 Firefighters. For more information, visit: Pilot Fire Fire

Pleasant Hill Fire District
The Pleasant Hill Fire District is a primarily volunteer agency providing fire protection and EMS/Rescue service to the patrons of both Pleasant Hill and Jasper. The District operates primarily on the dedicated help of 25 volunteer firefighters and EMT's. These dedicated individuals help to provide emergency services to 26 sq miles of homes, businesses, commercial/industrial operations and farming/agricultural. For more information, visit: Pleasant Hill Fire

Polk County Fire District #1
Today, Polk County Fire District No.1 is a combination Career and Volunteer Fire District of four fire stations covering 185 square miles servicing a population of approximately 25,500 people in Southeast Polk County and Western Marion County. The cities of Monmouth (Pop. 9,565) and Independence (Pop. 8,030) continue to form the heart of the District, with the communities of Buena Vista, Suver, Airlie, and Pedee forming the rural areas. The Fire District is a full-service community delivery system providing fire suppression, prevention & education, fire investigations, structural plans review and inspections, Fire/EMS training, advanced life-support ambulance, surface water rescue, honor guard, Boy Scouts Explorer program, support, and other specialized services. Polk County Fire District No.1 is made up of six staff positions, three shift Captains/Paramedics, six shift Firefighter/Paramedics, nine Resident Volunteers and seventy four Volunteer members (Fire/EMS/Support/Explorers). For more information, visit: Polk County Fire

Port of Portland Airport Fire Dept.
The Port of Portland Fire Department began operations in October 1962. Currently, 36 dedicated professionals staff the department. While qualified as traditional firefighters, their primary mission is aircraft firefighting. Fire Department personnel work on three rotating shifts. Each shift is normally comprised of ten firefighters (of which three are paramedics), two officers (one captain and one lieutenant) and three water-rescue-qualified firefighters. The on-duty shift works for 24 hours, followed by 48 hours off. Personnel assigned to the training and inspections department work four 10-hour shifts per week. Shift changes occur at 8 a.m. each morning. The fire department has equipment valued at more than $3 million. This includes four ARFF trucks, one structural pumper (fire engine), an advanced life support unit called a “rescue,” and a Columbia River-based water rescue boat. Each vehicle has a specific firefighting task. For more information, visit: Port of Portland Airport Fire Department

Port Orford Volunteer Fire Dept.
The city contracts with the Port Orford Rural fire Protection District for fire services. For more information, visit: Port Orford Vol. Fire Dept.

Portland Fire & Rescue
PF&R is Oregon’s largest fire and emergency services provider. We provide an extensive range of public safety services including fire prevention, public education, response to fire, medical, and other emergency incidents, and disaster mitigation. PF&R is comprised of about 750 employees with a Bureau operating budget of $90.7 million. PF&R operates 28 engine companies, nine truck companies, two fireboats, a rescue, and three squad units, including two specialized units for Chemical and Biological, Radiological/Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) response, and a specialized unit for Hazardous Materials (HazMat). These units allow PF&R firefighters to provide emergency services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Emergency response is provided from 30 stations, which are strategically located throughout the City of Portland to maximize resources and provide the quickest possible response times. For more information, visit: Portland Fire

Powder River RFPD
Powder River Rural Fire Protection District is located at 39477 Sumpter Valley HWY in Sumpter. For more information, call: (541) 894-0140

Prairie City Fire Department
The City of Prairie City is located on Highway 26 at the upper end of the John Day Valley of Eastern Oregon. Here, you will find the "Gateway to the Strawberry Mountains", at the foothills of the Blue Mountains, near the headwaters of the John Day River. For more information, visit: Prairie City Fire Department

Prospect RFPD
The Prospect Rural Fire Protection District is located at 276 Mill Creek Drive in Prospect. For more information, call: (541) 560-3309

Redmond Fire & Rescue
Redmond Fire & Rescue provides fire, EMS, and rescue services to the City of Redmond and the surrounding rural area. The region known as Central Oregon is high desert with four distinct seasons. The topography consists of rolling hills with Juniper and sage brush as the dominant vegetation. There are few response challenges related to topography but response crews can be challenged by rocky areas with limited roads when suppressing brush fires. For more information, visit: Redmond Fire

Reedsport Fire Department
The Reedsport Volunteer Fire Department proudly protects 4,280 people who live in an area of 5 square miles. Located on the Oregon Coast at the intersection of US Highway 101 and State Highway 38, we respond to a wide array of emergency incidents and are part of an extensive mutual/automatic aid system.
The Reedsport Volunteer Fire Department is led into action by Fire Chief Tom Anderson who has served the department for 41 years. Our department operates out of two stations with 32 volunteers specializing in fire fighting, rescue, hazardous materials incidents, special assignments, mutual aid calls and fire prevention. For more information, visit: Reedsport Fire

Riddle Volunteer Fire Department
The Riddle Volunteer Fire Department is located at 250 Main St. in Riddle. For more information, call: (541) 874-2373

Rockaway Vol. Fire Dept.
Our Department is located on the North Oregon Coast and services approximately 10 square miles of city, which includes 7.5 miles of Pacific Coastline. We also have two Pacific Ocean bar crossings with jetties on the north and south of our district. The Tillamook Bay crossing is considered one of the most dangerous crossings on the West Coast. We respond to Water Rescues working closely with the US Coast Guard, Motor Vehicle Accidents and all Medical 911's as well as Fire calls. For more information, call: (503) 355-2291

Rocky Point Fire & EMS
Rocky Point Fire and EMS formerly know as the Harriman Rural Fire protection District was formed July 11th 1973. Proudly serving the citizens and visitors of Rocky Point, Mountain lakes, Odessa now for over 40yrs. With one Fire Station, 6 apparatus and a dedicated group of volunteers the goal of RPFD is to provide the highest quality emergent and non emergent response possible. The station is usually staffed from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday . A "sleeper" program also has been established to staff the station in either 12 or 24hr shifts to ensure adequate personnel for call response and to significantly decrease call response times. For more information, visit: Rocky Point Fire & EMS

Rogue River Fire District #1
The Rogue River Fire District is a combination career and volunteer organization providing fire protection, emergency medical and other related services that meet the current and future needs of the community. For more information, visit: Rogue River Fire

Rogue Valley Intl. Medford Airport Fire Dept.
The Rogue Valley International Medford Airport Fire Department is located at 3650 Firestation Spur in Medford. For more information, call: (541) 776-2830

Roseburg Fire Department
The Roseburg Fire Department Operations Division is comprised of three strategically located fire stations. Each station houses an engine company and station one and three house our ladder companies as well. Roseburg Fire Department operates on a modified 3-platoon system. Each shift is comprised of eleven personnel; three Lieutenants, three Driver/Engineers and four Firefighters and a Battalion Chief who has the responsibility to supervise their respective shift. The Operations Division is responsible for the delivery of emergency services to the citizens and visitors of the City of Roseburg. Fire personnel perform a variety of tasks including fire suppression, emergency medical services, hazardous materials response, technical rescue, public education and fire prevention. For more information, visit: Roseburg Fire Department

Rufus Volunteer Fire Department
The City of Rufus has dedicated volunteers who provide protection for fire emergencies. For more information, visit: Rufus Volunteer Fire Dept.

Rural/Metro Fire Department
Situated in the heart of Southern Oregon’s Rogue River Valley, Rural/Metro Fire Department provides fire protection, rescue and first responder medical services to approximately 250 square miles in Josephine County. Rural/Metro’s member subscribers are primarily rural residential. With a combination of seven fully staffed and satellite stations, and a staff of over 70 talented and dedicated individuals, Rural/Metro Fire Department responds to nearly 2000 calls for service each year in Josephine County. For more information, visit: Rural/Metro Fire Department

Salem Fire Department
The Salem Fire Department provides a wide range of emergency services to the City of Salem and the Salem Suburban Fire District. Based in nine locations the department currently staffs nine advanced life support fire engines and two aerial ladder units 24-hours per day. Ambulance transport is provided through a public/private partnership with Rural / Metro Ambulance. The Salem Fire Department also maintains 3 back up ambulances to provide patient transport in times of high call volume. Also within the Emergency Operations Division are the Training and the Safety and Special Operations Divisions, which include Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) response. For more information, visit: Salem Fire Department

Sandy Fire District #72
Sandy Fire District #72 proudly protects 18,000 people living in an area of 77 square miles in northern Clackamas County, OR. We operate out of 3 stations that protect a primarily rural area and includes the City of Sandy, OR. Our department is a combination department, utilizing services of career and volunteer members. We have an ISO class 4 rating for any area within 5 miles driving distance from a District fire station. For more information, visit: Sandy Fire District

Santa Clara Fire District
Santa Clara Rural Fire District (SCFD) located in Eugene, Oregon, is a combination paid/volunteer district with 35 members and three paid staff. SCFD operates 2 stations within 6.5 square miles and responds to 800 plus calls for service a year. Although small in physical size, SCFD is tax supported by a population of approximately 12,500 with 4000 homes and businesses. Our county is made up of 23 separate fire agencies and SCFD responds with mutual aid when requested anywhere in the county. SCFD provides fire protection, rescue, prevention services and first response medical services with all certified levels of EMS responders through advanced life support. SCFD protects a bedroom community joined to the south by a mid-sized metropolitan city (population 170,000) and 2 rural districts, one to the west (population 15,000) and one to the north (population 12,000). SCFD provides and receives automatic aid with all its neighboring fire districts. For more information, visit: Santa Clara Fire

Sauvie Island RFPD
Emergency Services Organization providing fire protection, medical response, and community support to the residents and visitors to Sauvie Island. For more information, visit: Sauvie Island RFPD

Scappoose Fire District
The Scappoose Rural Fire Protection District operates as a public corporation in the State of Oregon. The fire district consists of a 65 square mile fire protection area, and 100 square mile ambulance service area. The City of Scappoose and the unincorporated areas of Warren, Chapman and Holbrook as well as 12 miles along the Multnomah Channel, which has a large residential river front community, make up the service area served by the district. The Fire District services approximately 12,000 residents. The area is served by three stations staffed by 35 volunteers, 5 office/management staff and 9 career fire/medical personnel. The Fire District is a full service emergency provider (fire suppression, rescue, transport ambulance). For more information, visit: Scappoose Fire

Scio Fire District
The Scio Fire District covers 101 square miles serving the communities of Scio, Crabtree, and the Bilyeu Den Area. For more information, visit: Scio Fire

Scottsburg RFPD
The Scottsburg Rural Fire Protection District is located at 33237 St on Hwy 38 in Scottsburg. For more information, call: (541) 587-4300

Seal Rock Rural Fire Protection District
Providing fire, rescue and emergency medical services to the communities of Seal Rock, Beaver Creek, Bay View, Makai and Bayshore. The Seal Rock Rural Fire Protection District's Mission Statement is Protecting Lives, Property and Resources. For more information, visit: Seal Rock Fire

Seaside Fire Department
Seaside Fire & Rescue provides fire protection, rescue, and emergency medical services to the citizens and visitors of Seaside and the surrounding rural fire protection district. The department was established in 1904 and its membership has been volunteer for over 100 years. Currently, roughly 50 volunteers from all professions respond to emergencies 24-hours a day. Additional services provided include seasonal beach lifeguards, and fire marshal for inspection services. Our personal are also active in several fire and rescue organizations within the county, including: HAZMAT 11, Clatsop County High Angle Rescue Team, and the County Fire Investigation Team. We are a mutual aid department with Hamlet and Cannon Beach rural fire protection district to the south, as well as Gearhart Fire to the North. Box alarm assignments allow us to move up for coverage of fire suppression operations anywhere with the county. For more information, visit: Seaside Fire Department

Sheridan Fire District
The Sheridan Fire District provides fire and emergency services to the City. It is staffed by volunteers. The Fire District is always available and ready to provide emergency assistance.
The City provides water for fire suppression and maintains 138 fire hydrants within the City's boundary. For more information, visit: Sheridan Fire District

Siletz Valley Fire Department
We serve and protect our community, lives, and property, by providing a quality service that you can count on in a time of need
Siletz Valley Fire District is rich in tradition, camaraderie, and built on commitment. Service delivery is driven around fire suppression, fire prevention, emergency medical services, and an array of rescue services. The district is composed of 33 square miles and protects over 3,500 people. For more information, visit: Siletz Valley Fire

Silver Lake RFPD
The Silver Lake Rural Fire Prevention District is located at 53224 4th St. in Silver Lake. For more information, call: (541) 576-2555

Silverton Fire District
Preserve and protect life and property from fire through prevention and suppression. Reduce the adverse effects of injury and sudden illness through quality emergency medical services as first responders. Provide necessary services during natural and manmade disasters. Respond to the community as requested in the spirit of the Fire Service. For more information, visit: Silverton Fire

Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District
The Sisters – Camp Sherman Fire District is dedicated in providing ongoing excellence in service. We are committed to ongoing training in the most advanced fire suppression techniques, basic and advanced life support emergency skills, as well as many additional emergency response skills that today’s firefighters/paramedics must be prepared to utilize at any given time. The Department also focuses on providing education to children on how to prevent accidents, how to use seatbelts, and how to be safe when home alone. The Sisters – Camp Sherman Fire District is proud to have been serving this community for the past six decades and considers it an honor to hold the public’s trust. For more information, visit: Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire

Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue
To preserve and improve the quality of life for all who live, work, visit and invest in the community of Florence, Oregon and the rural district that surrounds the city through the efficient delivery of emergency services supported by aggressive fire prevention and public education. For more information, visit: Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue

Sixes River RFPD
The Sixes River Fire Protection District is a non-profit, volunteer force that serves an area of 40 square miles and helps protect 170 homes. The District was formed in 1988 and is funded through taxes and grants. Sixes River Fire responds to wildland fires, structural fires, and motor vehicle accidents. We respond to all calls for the Langlois and Port Orford fire districts under a mutual aid agreement, and are on call to assist throughout Coos and Curry counties as needed. For more information, visit: Sixes River Fire

South Gilliam County RFPD
South Gilliam County Rural Fire Protection District provides fire and rescue services to the citizens of South Gilliam County. For more information, call: (541) 384-5555

South Lane Co. Fire & Rescue
Fire suppression priorities are the safety and protection of life, incident stabilization and property preservation. SLCF&R is comprised of a Fire District that is 132 square miles. All South Lane County Fire supression personnel regularly participate in suppression training, fire safety, rescue, emergency medical, and other fire-related training and educational programs. SLCF&R Personnel are trained and equipped to respond to structure, vehicle and wildland fires. For more information, visit: South Lane County Fire

South Sherman Fire District
South Sherman Fire & Rescue is an independent fire district having its own governing Board of Directors. The area protected by the district includes the City of Grass valley, community of Kent; and includes the John Day and Deschutes River Recreation areas. For more information, visit: South Sherman Fire District

Sprague River Vol. Fire Dept.
The Sprague River Volunteer Fire Department is located at 22546 Arrow Head LN in Sprague River. For more information, visit: Sprague River Fire

Spray Fire Department
The Spray Fire Department is located at 300 Park Ave in Spray. For more information, visit: Spray Fire Department

Springfield Fire Department
Our mission is to serve our communities by protecting and preserving life, property, and the environment through prevention, education, emergency medical services, rescue, and fire suppression services. Our vision is to deliver efficient and effective services by working together to maintain a progressive, caring, professional organization that remains flexible within a changing environment. We strive to be recognized for our leadership within the region by fostering cooperative working relationships. We work to be fiscally responsible, and financially stable and secure. Our values are respect, integrity, accountability, teamwork, service, balance, and adaptability. We live our values and measure our success by the satisfaction of the communities we serve, our personnel and our strategic partners. Our Motto is: Duty, Honor, Service. For more information, visit: Springfield Fire

St. Paul RFPD
Our District, located in St Paul, Oregon, protects over 1,700 patrons in our 35-square-mile service area. St Paul is the proud home of the nationally-known annual 4th of July St Paul Rodeo. We are located in the northern edge of the lush, fertile, Willamette Valley; midway between Portland and Salem. With just over 30 volunteers (plus 14 paid part-time paramedics) we respond to over 300 fire and medical calls per year. The part-time paramedics have full-time jobs in neighboring fire departments, and help staff our 24/7/365 ambulance service in their off-hours. For more information, visit: St. Paul Fire

Stanfield Fire District
The City of Stanfield is located on Highway 395 right off of I-84. It is conveniently situated in Umatilla County only 10 minutes from Hermiston, about 30 minutes from Pendleton, and about a 45-minute drive to the Tri-Cities, WA. It is also only 15 minutes from the mighty Columbia River. For more information, visit: Stanfield Fire District

Stayton Fire District
Stayton Fire District is a small combination department served by approximately 65 volunteers and 6 paid staff. The District’s paid staff works 8 to 5 Monday through Friday to augment day time response and perform administrative duties, while the 50 volunteer firefighters and 15 support staff are attending their regular jobs. We deliver emergency services to the City of Stayton and the unincorporated communities of Marion, Mehama, and Elkhorn which all have stations located in the community. The District provides service to approximately 14,500 permanent residents as well as hundreds of thousands of visitors that pass through our District or come to enjoy the many recreational areas within our boundaries. The District covers 107 square miles including 3 square miles in the city limits of Stayton and 104 square miles of rural farmlands, forestlands and recreational areas with an assessed value of more than $500 million. For more information, visit: Stayton Fire District

Sublimity Fire District
The Sublimity Fire District is a political subdivision of Marion County, chartered under the authority granted by the Oregon State Constitution and governed by an elected board of five directors. The 44-square mile Sublimity Fire District includes the incorporated limits of the City of Sublimity, its urban growth boundary and the rural area surrounding it. Some 4000 residents depend on the wide variety of services offered by the fire district. Within the city limits, growth is a significant factor. Residential growth is ongoing. The city has approximately 75 developable acres within its limits. Several large tracts have not yet been developed. Currently, Sublimity Fire District has 25 volunteers who respond out of two fire stations: Station #51 (headquarters) and Station #52 (a sub-station northeast of the City of Sublimity). Three of the volunteers are unpaid resident interns who live at the station. Paid staff includes a full-time fire chief, full-time assistant chief/training officer and a part-time office administrator. For more information, visit: Sublimity Fire District
Sumner Rural Fire Protection District
The Sumner Rural Fire Protection District was established in 1975 and is located at 60817 Selander Rd. in Coos Bay. For more information, call: 541-267-2345

Sumpter Volunteer Fire Dept.
The Sumpter Volunteer Fire Dept. station near the north end of Sumpter on the main street through town. The Sumpter City Hall shares the building. The community of Sumpter was established in in the early days of the Civil War. On August 13, 1917 the dreaded fate of many mining towns occurred, fire raged through the town and destroyed eleven city blocks including nine brick buildings. For more information, call: (541) 267-2345

Sunriver Fire Department
The members of our department are proud to be a part of this community and to provide the important, life-saving services of fire suppression, rescue, prevention, emergency medical and disaster preparedness. Our services are delivered by highly trained, professional firefighters who use the very latest in equipment and apparatus provided by the direct support of our community. We are an agency that values our community connections and the faith they place in us to provide the very best in emergency response. For more information, visit: Sunriver Fire Department

Surprise Springs Rural Fire & Rescue
The Suprise Springs Rural Fire & Rescue Department is located at 42165 Stanciu Road in Richland. For more information, call: (541) 893-6977

Sutherlin Fire Department
The Sutherlin Fire Department is located at 126 E. Central Ave. in Sutherlin Oregon. We are grateful for our Volunteer Firefighters! Our firefighter put in thousands of hours of training. For more information, call: 541-459-2856 or visit: Sutherlin Fire Department

SW Polk County Fire District
The Southwest Polk County Fire District is located at HWY 99 and Church St. in Rickreal. For more information, visit: SW Polk County Fire District

Sweet Home Fire & Ambulance
The Sweet Home Fire & Ambulance District provides ALS (Advanced Life Support) ambulance service to our patrons by staffing a minimum of one ambulance 24 hours a day. When shifts are at full staff two ambulances are available. Our staffing includes three shifts working a 24 hour on 48 hour off schedule. The shifts consist of a Battalion Chief / Paramedic, Two Paramedic / Firefighters, an Intern / Medic and a Resident Volunteer. We also supplement the EMS operation with several dedicated volunteers. Our ASA (Ambulance Service Area) covers approximately 1000 Sq. miles of a very diverse geographical and demographical region. We serve a largely retired static population as well as an influx of people who regularly use our many recreational opportunities. Our District has numerous lakes and rivers with some very rugged terrain, including wilderness area. This provides some unique training challenges in keeping our emergency responders proficient not only in EMS, but in several aspects of rescue. It also means specialized equipment and apparatus must be purchased and maintained. For more information, visit: Sweet Home Fire

Tangent Fire District
Tangent Fire District is comprised mainly of volunteers who donate their time and talents to benefit the community in which they live. Each year they respond to nearly 300 calls for assistance in an area of 45 square miles, with the majority of those being medical in nature. They also spend a vast number of hours training in order to better and more safely serve you. If you know a volunteer or encounter one, please take the time to thank them for all they do. We also work closely and collaboratively with our neighboring fire departments to make our communities safer in the most cost-effective manner. Our organizational values of integrity, teamwork, accountability, respect, excellence, quality service, and safety define who we are as individuals as well as an organization, and are guiding principles in everything we do. For more information, visit: Tangent Fire District

Tenmile RFPD
Tenmile Rural Fire Department is located at 158 Reston RD in Tenmile. For more information, call: (541) 679-1882

Thomas Creek-West Side RFPD
The Thomas Creek-West Side Rural Fire Protection District is located at 15547 Diamond Road in Lakeview. For more information, call: (541) 947-5951

Tillamook Fire District
Tillamook Fire District operates out of three fire stations located within the 97 square miles of district boundary and is dispatched by the Tillamook 911 center. The main fire station is located in the City of Tillamook and houses a vast majority of the district apparatus, equipment, and is the primary station. One satellite rural station is located in the Pleasant Valley area and another in the coastal community of Cape Meares. District volunteers operate from all stations. The district provides fire protection and emergency services to approximately 11,000 full-time residents who live within the district boundaries of the City of Tillamook and the surrounding rural areas of Kilchis, Idaville, Cape Meares, Trask, Wilson, Fairview, South Prairie, Bewley Creek, and Pleasant Valley. For more information, visit: Tillamook Fire District

Tiller RFPD
The Tiller Rural Fire Protection District is located at 27598 Tiller-Trail HWY in Tiller. For more information, call: (541) 825-3685

Toledo Fire Department
Toledo Fire Department is located in Lincoln County. For more information, please call: 541-336-3311

Tri City RFPD No. 4
With rapid and professional response, we protect the lives and property of our community. Through our desire to serve and courage to act, we are role-models of citizenship in our community. We are an effective fire and rescue district for the State of Oregon. Everything we do, we do for the people and the community we proudly serve. With education and training we prevent harm. For more information, visit: Tri City RFPD 4

Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue provides fire protection and emergency medical services to approximately 454,000 citizens in one of the fastest growing regions in Oregon. Our 210 square mile service area includes the cities of Beaverton, Durham, King City, Rivergrove, Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin, West Linn, and Wilsonville, and unincorporated portions of Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington County. Our district has 21 fire stations, a command and business operations center, a training facility, and three integrated operating centers (North, Central, and South). Citizens served by TVF&R benefit from the services of a large metropolitan fire department, while paying one of the lowest fire-protection tax rates in the region. TVF&R receives almost its entire funding from property taxes. This funding comes through a permanent tax rate and temporary funding sources such as a local option levy and general obligation bond. For more information, visit: TVF&R

Turner Fire District
Turner Fire District will become an organization continually pursuing excellence, ensuring public health and safety through choices based on our stated values and principles. "With cooperation, teamwork and the Public's trust, the Turner Fire District will dutifully serve our community by protecting the citizens, the property, and the environment through fire suppression, fire prevention and emergency medical service." For more information, visit: Turner Fire District

Umatilla Chemical Depot Fire Dept.
The Umatilla Chemical Depot Fire Department is located at 78798 Ordnance RD, BLDG 1 in Hermiston. For more information, call: (541) 564-5210
Umatilla Rural Fire Protection District
The URFPD / UVFA is run by a full-time, paid Chief and a Retention and Recruitment Coordinator and staffed by volunteer firefighters, EMTs, and officers. Our volunteers range in age from early twenties to late fifties; and they range in occupations from trades, to medical, to clerical and even professional careers. Our all volunteer force must meet the same training and education requirements as professional firefighters and EMT's. So you know when you dial "911" you'll be receiving top quality care and service from dedicated, professional providers who are also your neighbors. For more information, visit: Umatilla RFPD

Umatilla Tribal Fire Department
The Umatilla Tribal Fire Department is located at 46411 Timine Way in Pendleton. For more information, call: (541) 276-2126

Union Emergency Services
The City of Union is a full service emergency provider, fully staffed with local volunteers. We encourage those who are interested in volunteering to visit the site to learn about us, our functions, mission, plans and accomplishments. We take our positions as volunteers seriously by providing emergency services and service during catastrophic events. For more information, visit: Union Emergency Services

Upper McKenzie RFPD
Upper McKenzie Fire is located in McKenzie Bridge. For more information, visit: Upper McKenzie RFPD

Vale Fire & Ambulance Dept.
The Vale Fire and Ambulance Department is committed to protecting the people and property within our community. We will be responsive to the needs of our citizens by providing rapid, professional, and humanitarian services essential to thehealth, safety and well being of the community. We will accomplish our mission through prevention, public education, fire suppression, EMS services, training, and other related emergency and non-emergency activities. We will actively participate in our community, serve as role models and strive to effectively and efficiently utilize all of the necessary resources at our command to provide a level of service deemed excellent by our citizens. For more information, call: (541) 473-3796

Vernonia Rural Fire
The Vernonia Rural Fire was established in 1891. There are approximately 2500 residents in the city of Vernonia. The district covers 36 Square Miles with one Fire Station. We are a 100% volunteer firefighter organization with 23 volunteer firefighters, 6 logistics volunteers, 13 Explorers, 5 Board members and 1 office manager. The Fire Department responds to approximately 425 calls a year. We have three main engines E-451, E-452 and E-454 that are our first response fire apparatus. We also have a command vehicle C-450 and a rescue vehicle R-457. There are two additional brush rigs for use on small fires and wildland operations E-4530 and E-4540. For more information, visit: Vernonia Fire

Walla-Walla County Fire District 4
The Wall-Walla County Fire District #4 is located at 2251 South Howard St. in Wall-Walla. For more information, call: (509) 529-1282

Wallowa Lake (WLRFPD)
Wallowa Lake Rural Fire Protection District encompasses properties bordering and near Wallowa Lake in northeast Oregon. It includes the community at the south end ("head") of the lake, homes at the north end ("foot") of the lake and properties along the West Moraine including Lake Shore Road, Edgewater Drive and the Hays Lane area.
Fire protection and rescue services are provided through a contract with the City of Joseph and its volunteer fire department. Joseph provides a fire engine located at the lake fire station, 60000 Mt. Howard Lane. It is staffed by Joseph firefighters who live and/or work at the lake. For more information, visit: Wallowa Lake (WLRFPD)

Warm Springs Tribal Fire Department
The Mission of The Warm Springs Fire & Safety Department is to protect life and property through: on-site inspections ,community education in First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Fire Safety. Fire & Safety will provide skilled personnel in emergency medical service, fire suppression and rescue operations. For more information, visit: Warm Springs Tribal Fire

Warrenton Fire Department
The City of Warrenton, located in Clatsop County, on the beautiful northwestern tip of Oregon, is bordered by the Pacific Ocean on the west and the mighty Columbia River on the north. It was platted in 1889, and incorporated as a city under the laws of Oregon in 1899. The City of Warrenton was named for D.K. (Daniel Knight) Warren, as an early settler. For more information, visit: Warrenton Fire Department

Washington County Fire District #2
It is the mission of Washington County Fire District 2, to provide the highest quality of emergency services possible through fire prevention, public education, volunteer pride, employee commitment and community involvement. Washington County Fire District #2 serves the central part of Washington County out of two strategically placed stations in North Plains and south of Hillsboro off Midway Road. WCFD2 runs approximately 1200 calls for service a year while providing public education, fire prevention and fire investigation services. For more information, visit: WCFD2

West Side Fire Department
We are a combination Department staffed by two full time positions, a Fire Marshal and a Lieutenant Training Officer. 70 volunteers make up the majority of the firefighting ranks. The department is made up of four active companies, each with a Captain, Lieutenant, Engineer, and several firefighters. There is a support division, Company five made up of those members wanting to help outside the fire ground. The Board of Directors is elected by the community. The Chief and Fire Marshal are appointed by the Board of Directors. The remaining officers are appointed by the Chief and Assistant Chiefs. Firefighters are assigned to companies based on company size and need. For more information, visit: West Side Fire Department

West Valley Fire District
West Valley Fire District is located in the West Willamette Valley in the foothills of the Oregon coastal range and is comprised of 110 square miles of actual taxation district. Approximately 2700 of our 5000 residents currently pay taxes to the fire district. The District has another 5000 transient population per day from Spirit Mt. Casino and hotel. However, the district responds to incidents well outside its boundaries including mutual aid for 9 neighboring fire districts and also The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and Oregon Department of Forestry. Two main arterial highways intersect within the fire district, Highway 18 to Lincoln City and Highway 22 to Hebo. Located in the center of our district is the number one tourist attraction in the State of Oregon, Spirit Mountain Casino. The District responds to approximately 1400 calls a year. For more information, visit: West Valley Fire
Wesfir Fire Department
The Westfir Fire Department is located at 47441 W Oak RD
is Westfir. For more information, call: (541) 782-3733

Westport-Wauna RFPD
The Westport-Wauna RFPD is located at 91177 Westport Ferry Road in Westport. For more information, call: (503) 455-0727

Williams Fire Rescue
We are committed to serving the approximately 3,000 residents of the Williams community through the hard work and dedication of department volunteers. Williams Fire/Rescue strives to protect the life and property of this community from medical emergencies, fire, motor vehicle accidents, and natural disasters in our 37 square mile fire district. We are proud of our dedicated volunteers and the community we serve. For more information, visit: Williams Fire Rescue

Winchester Bay RFPD
Winchester Bay Rural Fire Protection District, serving the community of Winchester Bay with Fire, Rescue, and EMS services. The department provides services to the community of Winchester Bay as well as contracted fire and rescue service to Salmon Harbor and the dunes. This encompasses a population of approximately 400 in the winter and up to 5,000 in the summer. For more information, visit: Winchester Bay RFPD

Winston-Dillard Fire Department
The Fire District responds to over 1500 calls for assistance each year. Winston residents receive approximately 70 percent of the services provided by the Fire District. A break down of the types of responses received by City residents: 44 percent medical aids, 11 percent fires, and 27 percent of the emergency ambulance transports. For more information, visit: Winston-Dillard Fire

Wolf Creek RFPD
Wolf Creek RFPD is a community based volunteer Fire Department providing Fire/EMS services to the citizens of our community. The Fire District protects 32 square miles in Josephine Co. For more information, call: (541) 866-2584
Woodburn Fire District
The Woodburn Fire District (WFD) provides fire suppression, fire prevention services and emergency medical assistance to residents located within its 75-square-mile boundary. The boundary includes the city of Woodburn, the city of Gervais and a large area of unincorporated northern Marion County. The modern-day district is a four-station, 12-employee operation. It is a combination district that utilizes assistance on calls from volunteers and Resident Volunteers. Career firefighters work 24 hours on shift, and 48 hours off. For more information, visit: Woodburn Fire District

Wy'East Fire District
The Wy'East Fire District is located at 3431 Odell HWY in Hood River. For more information, call: (541) 354-1648

Yachats Rural Fire
Tha Yachats Rural Fire Protection District is located at 215/217 W 2nd ST in
Yachats. For more information, call: (541) 547-3266

Yamhill Fire Protection District
Located in the North end of Yamhill County, Oregon. The District covers 72 square miles in a rural area. The District also includes the City of Yamhill which is home of the Yamhill-Carlton School District Office, The Y-C High School and the Intermidate School. The District consist of 5 elected Fire Board Members, a Full Time Paid Fire Chief/EMT, Full-Time Paid Fireifghter/EMT, and 22 Volunteers. For more information, visit: Yamhill Fire
Additional Fire Departments and Districts Not Mentioned:
Monument Fire Department (541) 934-2046
New Carlton Rural Fire Department (503) 852-6233
North Gilliam County RFPD (541) 454-2900
North Sherman RFPD (541) 442-5252
Oregon Outback Fire Department (541) 556-5375
Paisley Volunteer Fire Department (541) 943-3124
Pine Hollow Volunteers (541) 544-2338
Pine Valley RFPD (541) 742-6796
Pistol River RFPD (541) 247-6765
Powers Volunteer Fire & Ambulance (541) 290-2889
Seneca Fire Department (541) 542-2161
Shutter Creek Correctional Institution Fire Department (541) 756-6666
Spring Valley RFPD (503) 485-2023
Summer Lake Fire District (541) 943-3960
Tygh Valley Volunteer Fire Department (541) 483-2444
Ukiah Fire Department (541) 427-3200
Unity Volunteer Fire Department (541) 446-3544
Wheeler Point Volunteer Fire Association (541) 468-2223
Winchuck RFPD (541) 469-7751